Storytelling with Data

Speakers: Suchitra Gopal
Data Engineering and Analytics Consultant, West Monroe

Madison Leyens
Data Engineering and Analytics Consultant, West Monroe

Humans are designed to tell stories. However, data specialists often do not leverage this most fundamental pattern of human communication to relay critical data to key decision-makers. The presentation takes a deep dive into the components that make stories effective, with respect to human behavior, and discusses the specifics of how data can be shared more impactfully in a storytelling format. Through a series of recommendations and interactive demonstrations, attendees will learn how to hone storytelling techniques for data presentation and fine-tune their visualizations to appeal to pre-attentive processing and human-centered design principles. Stakeholders who see themselves as players in stories they witness from multiple, sensory, data-driven dimensions are much more likely to participate in a call to action than passive, disengaged observers.

Taking you on a journey through our experience navigating intricate data stories, this presentation covers the essential aspects of delivering a compelling datastory:

  • Crafting a story: Personalizing your data story using frameworks
  • Visualizing your story: Incorporating data and statistics to make the story more persuasive while remaining reliable
  • Storytelling Best Practices: Understanding pre-attentive processing cues and engaging with the audience
  • Completing your story: Leaving the audience with a call to action and a memorable story they resonate with

Attend this session to revitalize your view of data communication and harness the evocative potential of datato move organizations to greater heights of innovation through storytelling.

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